Storing of rare manuscripts and old books in boxes, Andrey Sheptytsky National Museum, Lviv. Foto: picture alliance/ASSOCIATED PRESS/Bernat Armangue

Aufruf zur Unterstützung unserer Museumskolleg*innen in der Ukraine


Heute Morgen hat NEMO – das Netzwerk Europäischer Museumsorganisationen – einen Aufruf zur materiellen Unterstützung europäischer Museen für unsere Museumskolleg*innen in der Ukraine gestartet. ICOM begrüßt diese Initiative und als Zeichen unserer Unterstützung verbreiten wir die Botschaft in unserem gesamten Netzwerk.

Wenn Sie oder Ihre Museen unseren Museumskolleg*innen in der Ukraine etwas anzubieten haben, haben Sie die Möglichkeit, NEMO über die unten stehenden Informationen zu kontaktieren.



In light of current events, and after receiving calls and messages from colleagues from all over Europe asking how they can support their Ukrainian colleagues, NEMO has decided to start collecting and monitoring support activities and initiatives from museums across the continent who want to help their Ukrainian colleagues and Ukrainian citizens at large

Once gathered, this information will then be published online and in doing so, the objective of this proposal will be to demonstrate the levels of support in Europe to our museum colleagues in Ukraine, to show how much the museum sector can respond, and inspire more museums to develop similar supporting initiatives! The idea is that this will be a concrete demonstration of action, following from our statement last week: NEMO shows solidarity with cultural organisations in Ukraine.  


Further to this, we are looking for:  

  • Different forms of support actions that your museum has developed for Ukrainian museum colleagues and Ukrainian refugees at large
  • Support offers that your museum can offer that we can share with Ukrainian colleagues  

To publish these on NEMO’s website, we kindly ask you to submit the information below to our colleague Ksenia at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.:  

  • title of the initiative or offer
  • name of the institution, city and country
  • short description in English (max. 1.000 characters) 
  • a link or contact for further information 
  • a picture if available 

Finally, we understand that some information on this subject is sensitive, therefore you would prefer that your activity or initiative remains private, please indicate so in your message. Discretion is paramount, and we will not publish any information before you give your green light.  

This project has also received the support of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) who will disseminate this call through its network. 

Thank you for your support. 

Please use your associations, networks to promote this call as widely as possible. 


NEMO – Network of European Museum Organisations
Karl-Marx-Platz 12
120 43 Berlin

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