ICOM Germany Annual Conference - together with ICOM Cyprus and ICOM Greece

ICOM Germany Annual Conference - together with ICOM Cyprus and ICOM Greece


Thema: Museums Facing a Planetary Emergency


Recording →


Over the last century, humanity has benefited from remarkable improvements in health and in quality of life. Yet at the same time, we have been exploiting the Earth’s resources in unprecedented and unsustainable ways. Our world is now changing rapidly under the influence of human behaviour: climate change and biodiversity loss but also pandemics are just some of the most dramatic manifestations. These changes threaten the security of critical ecosystems and jeopardise the gains made over the past century in human health and well-being. As trusted sources of information and sites of transformative engagement, museums can and must play a role in addressing these issues. How should museums reinvent themselves in the face of a planetary emergency? How should we prepare ourselves for increasingly frequent extreme weather events and social unrest? What is the role of our collections and how can they be protected, in the face of global changes and also local disasters? What new roles could our institutions, and ICOM itself, play in the age of Fridays for Future and Extinction Rebellion?

The conference consists of invited keynote lectures by environmental scientists, social investigators, cultural practitioners and political activists, and case studies from the point of view of museum individuals, associations and authorities that examine possible future scenarios and inform a concluding panel discussion.

Bildschirmfoto 2020 03 19 um 12.18.35

Funded by:

1200px Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien LogoSponsor:

KULDIG LOGO LOGO mit Kuldig.de Wortmarke


10.00 (CET)     Greetings

Despo Pilides (ICOM Cyprus)
Beate Reifenscheid (ICOM Germany)
Teti Hadjinicolaou (ICOM Greece)

10.20 Keynote

Brad Irwin (Natural History Museum, London):
Reframing the Natural History Museum in the context of a planetary crisis

10.50 Talks

Cristina Navarro, with Anna Wiese:
Climate Change in the Ethnological Museum. Exploring local impacts and agency in the South Pacific with  Augmented Reality


Zomenia Zomeni:
Climate change in Antiquity, climate change in Modern times, how museums tell the story

11.20 Keynote

Hans-Rudolf Bork (University of Kiel): Epidemics and pandemics in Central Europe from 543 to 1948

11.50 Talks

Caterina Ruscio:
From mass tourism to no tourism: Museums and local tourism in Rome at the time of the pandemic


Elli Karkazi, Polyna Xiradakis, Anna Papatheodorou, Anastasia Chourmouziadi:
From Physical to Digital: The COVID-19 Challenge in Greek Museums

12.20 Break / Young Professionals Meeting (Project-Slam+Zoom discussion)
13.20 Keynote

Phoebe Koundouri (Athens University of Economics and Business):
Sustainable Recovery from COVID-19 Pandemic

13.50 Talks

Michael Faber:
Protecting people in the museum: Aspects and desiderata of prevention, risk and emergency management - extended


Peter Stohler, Yvan Sikiaridis:
GRIMMWELT´s digital στρογγυλή τράπεζα (round-table) How artists as storytellers deal with today’s planetary emergencies - cancelled


Giuseppe Maino, Isber Sabrine, Donatella Biagi Maino:
Museums as a tool for intercultural dialogue with refugees and migrants

14.30 Keynote

Molly Fannon (UN Museum, Copenhagen):
From Awareness to Action: Reframing our Role in Society in this Critical Decade

15.00 - 15.30 Closing Panel Discussion "What next for Museums in a time of Planetary Emergency?"
Chair: Michael John Gorman (Biotopia)
Panelists include Etienne Denk, Michael Faber, Molly Fannon 
and Giuseppe Maino
  Virtual Museum Excursions


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